Not to be confused with a session’s audio output stream, a plain TTS stream is used to synthesize speech unrelated to any currently running sessions or Diatheke models. This means that, unlike audio output from a session which is sent to the client in response to user input as defined in the model, the audio output for a plain TTS stream is returned to the client immediately after the TTS request is made.
This functionality is provided mainly as a convenience. There may be some situations where it is useful to synthesize audio unrelated to a running session (such as debugging). For the majority of situations, Cobalt recommends embedding TTS replies in the Diatheke model itself, so that they may be returned as part of the normal dialog flow for a session.
The TTS stream requires a Luna model (defined in the Luna server config file) and the text to synthesize to be specified at creation. The returned stream will receive audio data from the server until synthesis is complete and the stream is closed.
// Specify the Luna model to use (not a Diatheke model)
lunaModel := "1"
sentence := "this is the text to synthesize"
// Create the TTS stream
stream, err := client.StreamTTS(context.Background(), lunaModel, sentence)
// Specify the Luna model to use (not a Diatheke model)
std::string lunaModel = "1";
std::string sentence = "this is the text to synthesize";
// Create the TTS stream
std::unique_ptr<Diatheke::TTSStream> stream =
client.streamTTS(lunaModel, sentence);
# Specify the Luna model to use (not a Diatheke model)
luna_model = "1"
sentence = "this is the text to synthesize"
# Create the TTS stream
stream = client.stream_tts(luna_model, sentence)
// Specify the Luna model to use (not a Diatheke model)
let lunaModel = "1"
let sentence = "this is the text to synthesize"
// Create the TTS stream
client.streamTTS(model: lunaModel, text: sentence) { (response) in
// Handle TTS response
DiathekeOuterClass.TTSRequest ttsRequest = DiathekeOuterClass.TTSRequest.newBuilder()
mClient.streamTTS(ttsRequest, new StreamObserver<DiathekeOuterClass.TTSResponse>() {
public void onNext(DiathekeOuterClass.TTSResponse value) {
public void onError(Throwable t) {
public void onCompleted() {
The only data returned on the TTS stream will be audio data. The simplest way to receive it is to set up a loop to receive and process the data until the stream is closed, as shown below.
The TTS generated audio data will be formatted and encoded based on the specific TTS model being used for the stream. It is the client code’s responsibility to handle the output audio, whether it sends it to an output device (e.g., speakers), saves it to a file, or does some other processing of the audio data.
// Receive data from the TTS stream until it is closed, which will happen
// when synthesis is complete, or the context used to create the stream
// is cancelled.
for {
// Wait for data from the server
msg, err := stream.Recv()
// This indicates the stream has finished, which will happen
// when the session ends or the context used to create the stream
// closes.
if err == io.EOF {
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Error: %v\n", err)
// Use the audio data, which will be an array of bytes.
fmt.Printf("TTS Data size (bytes): %v\n", len(msg.Data))
fmt.Printf("Synthesis complete.\n")
// Receive data from the TTS stream until it is closed, which will happen
// when synthesis is complete.
cobaltspeech::diatheke::TTSResponse response;
while (stream->waitForAudio(&response))
// Use the audio data, which will be given as a string. Think of it as an
// array of chars (a char is one byte).
std::string audioData =;
std::cout << "TTS Data size (bytes): " << audioData.size() << std::endl;
std::cout << "Synthesis complete." << std::endl;
# Receive data from the TTS stream until it is closed, which will happen
# when synthesis is complete.
for response in stream:
# Use the audio data
audio_data =
print("TTS Data size (bytes): {}".format(len(audio_data)))
print("Synthesis complete.")
func handleTTSResponse(_ response: Cobaltspeech_Diatheke_TTSResponse) {
print("TTS Data size (bytes): \(")
private void handleTTSResponse(DiathekeOuterClass.TTSResponse value) {
ByteString data = value.getData();
Log.i("TTSResponse",String.format("TTS Data size (bytes): %d", data.size()))